Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Why Do Organizations Need Application Lifecycle Management Software?

Application Lifecycle Management Software

The common question that most of the business owners have is that “Is it really important to have Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)?”. If you too have the similar question on mind then as a business owner you need to know that if your organization is experiencing deployment predicaments or application development then application lifecycle management software may be the right fix.

So, What Is Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)?

ALM is a complete lifecycle of a software application which maintains the process of the application starting from its requirements, to its development, testing framework, resolving issues and deployment by improving software quality and also intended to help in business management. Compared to SDLC that only covers the development stage, ALM without sacrificing quality, it helps deliver releases on time and manages the entire lifecycle and hence it is comprehensive

In reality, all the projects and even the smallest projects have to be managed in some way and Although ALM may not work as a magic bullet, it is effective in addressing most of the challenges not only of application maintenance and development but also the challenge of life. If you want to deliver your project on time without compromising on the quality, then an integrated system of ALM Tools helps to administer the life of an application right from conception to it being absolute. We know that each and every organisation requirements vary and they benefit from ALM Tools differently. Thus, keeping this in mind, Orcanos is one such leading company that provides ALM tools that are designed to be benefited in one or other forms.

The Orcanos ALM software tools help in project management by resource planning and we provide tools for different requirements that can be used either for Agile development projects or traditional waterfall project or for both. Here are some of the benefits of application lifecycle management

  • ALM helps the business in organising and preparing
  • The collaboration of multiple teams
  • Better quality, speed and compliance
  • Productivity of team
  • Resolving and testing
  • Decision-making ability
  • Greater customer satisfaction and employee support

Orcanos is also a trusted leader in the Requirements Management System. Our requirements management system helps to manage, define and validate complex system requirements by eliminating inefficiencies and appropriate risks associated with legacy systems and documents. Having Requirements management for your company helps to streamline your development process and it also helps to optimise processes and increase efficiency by accurately communicate and capture requirements, goals, progress to remove friction throughout the development process. By using Orcanos requirements management system, it helps to speed up the product development process by saving a lot of time, strengthening alignment and ensures quality and compliance. For more information about Orcanos please visit our website here:

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